Content Organs is a leading digital organ builder. The Dutch company has a long history as a builder of digital organs and Hauptwerk organs for churches and private customers. Each organ is characterised by its own unique sound experience. Content’s traditional approach to the progress of historical organbuilding has contributed to this unique sound. The Content Hauptwerk organs are also recognised by their high-quality reproduction of real pipe organ sound. With Content Hauptwerk, famous church organs are now within reach of both the professional organist and amateur organ lover.
Content Organs
One of the leading digital Organ manufacturers based in The Netherlands.
Content presents Churches, Institutions, Conservatories, Music schools and private end-users a wide choice in digital classical organs and Hauptwerk organs. Over the decades innovation, quality and excellent craftsmanship with respect to tradition have created a strong brand image. Many years of experience, good quality and a dedicated worldwide distributor network and trained employees are the backbone of the Content Organ Company. Our organs meet the needs of the demanding organist on all continents of the globe and bring inspiration to musicians and listeners alike.
Dutch craftmanship
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Our Sales team is always there to help you out either if you walk in to our store or through a call or a call up to your convenience.
Our technical team is always at your reach to solve your issues with our products at high priority and concern.
We have a wide range of Add-Ons to our organs according to your needs.