Content Organs
One of the leading digital Organ manufacturers based in The Netherlands.
Content presents Churches, Institutions, Conservatories, Music schools and private end-users a wide choice in digital classical organs and Hauptwerk organs. Over the decades innovation, quality and excellent craftsmanship with respect to tradition have created a strong brand image. Many years of experience, good quality and a dedicated worldwide distributor network and trained employees are the backbone of the Content Organ Company. Our organs meet the needs of the demanding organist on all continents of the globe and bring inspiration to musicians and listeners alike.
Holland has a long history in building organs, dating back as early as the fifteenth century. Six centuries later we still find a thriving organ culture in The Netherlands both in physical development and organ manufacturing as well as performances in the cultural and musical sense. This abundant culture is the very heritage, dedication and foundation of Content Organs. Now Content Organs is a strong and active player in the international organ market. Our organs are based on our company philosophy to produce reliable organs with a natural sound .
In 2020 the family-owned company will celebrate their 40 years anniversary!
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Column One
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Column Two
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Column Three
Maecenas interdum vulputate nulla, et luctus velit maximus sit amet. Ut a malesuada lectus. Quisque varius nisi ac nunc bibendum, non finibus magna tincidunt. Etiam ultrices blandit dolor, in ultrices magna hendrerit nec. Duis eu congue nunc.